Special Events

Amoeba Breaths with Petra Kuppers
In this workshop, we will listen to and move with sounds we are making with our own breath, in our own home, while being comfortable on a mat on the floor (or in a similar comfortable position for yourself and your particular bodymind). The practice is informed by Pauline Oliveros' deep listening work, by Continuum Movement, and by Olimpias disability culture practices. We will use our breath to channel sounds through our body, paying attention to the images, sensations and movements that come up as we engage our home space, and the objects inside it. We will then move from experience into creative writing.
Professor Kuppers uses this practice as the basis for movement/writing workshops in Turtle Disco, a disability-led somatic writing studio in Ypsilanti, Michigan, that she co-leads with Stephanie Heit. This work is a self- and communal-care resource for creativity, rhythmic attunement, and low-key dropping in, to support ourselves for living in a complicated world.