
Volume One, Issue One, Fall 2020


ISSUE #1: Atmosphere Overview

In this issue, we feature new work on the concepts of atmospheres. Understanding atmosphere as the social and affective mode of air, this issue focuses on atmosphere as a means of relational experience. We begin with Eva Horn’s article on the theme of air as a social medium, progressing to the phenomenological and affective theories of atmosphere(s), before conceptualizing and unpacking the disciplinary contexts and applications of atmosphere and the broader themes of ecology in the humanities, arts, and social sciences.

table of contents



Picturing Atmosphere

Written by Kate Moger



People Near the Storm

Written by James Engell



Airborne: Air as a Social Medium

Written by Eva Horn



Emotional Landscapes

Created by Emily Fritze

Visual Art


It Blows where it Wishes: The Wind as a Quasi-Thingly Atmosphere

Written by Tonino Griffero



Art History and the Political Ecologies of Air

Written by Sugata Ray



Ritorno - Return

Translated by Jessica Lane



‘Atmospheres’ of Art and Art History

Written by Mark Cheetham



Mary Byrd Land

Written by Petra Kuppers



“Humid Air, Humid Aesthetics’

Written by Sara Gabler Thomas



Darkening Atmospheres

Written by Ellen Y. Tani



Three Poems

Written by Yi Feng



Changing Tensions: Viral Atmospheres as Quality Compass

Written by Andreas Rauh



Atmosphere Musical Environment

Composed by Brad Nath



Shuai Yang’s Wombs: Affective Interpretations of the One-Child Policy

Written by Yubai Shi



Critical Terms in the Atmospheric Sciences

Written by Troy Sherman



Unmourning Atmosphere: Mary Webb’s Alternate to Elegy

Written by Jayne Elizabeth Lewis



Surface Tension

Written by Eric Trinh Chu



Strange Times and Weird Atmospheres

Written by Marco Caracciolo



On Air: A Venti Podcast

Featuring Marco Caracciolo

Episode Two - “Atmosphere”




Further Reading




2020 has been host to multiple crises in the air. They are all too familiar by now: amidst global climate catastrophe, a virus that targets our lungs has affected lives, economies, and sharply refigured our social and political atmospheres. Simultaneously, the death of a Black man at the hands of the police has laid bare the conditions of austerity and violence that the United States’ racialized poor must endure. 

Though having inspired many who believe in a future where people might one day be allowed to breathe easy, these tragedies continue to stifle the air of thousands across the globe. We take this moment to thank medical workers for their tireless efforts to heal us from a devastating pandemic; we thank those who continue to do the work and speak out, holding us all in bated breath for the change we know is yet to come. We also take a moment of silence to recognize and remember all those who have lost their breath in 2020. 

It is to these people, and to those who love and continue to fight for them — for all of us — that Venti is humbly dedicated.

We recognize these events could neither be fully spoken to nor accounted for by a dedication. At its best, intellectual dialogue supplements and informs action. Venti, in its simple bid to think about the air, might be just one tool among many for weathering this tragic, tempestuous, yet hopeful moment. 

As we continue to move through the topic of air, we believe it is our duty not only to mourn but to also derive inspiration.