Three Poems

Yi Feng 

Volume One, Issue One, “Atmosphere,” Poetry



The world looks into the black screen

See a virtual world

The male looks at the world in a mirror

See a mother

The female peeks into the screen

See the illusory Zoom background

Non-human peeks at mother nature

See desperate humans

The virtual world is on the other side of the screen

Look into the hyperplastic world

The mirror has been broken and blurred

Reflecting the surroundings

Who Knows me the most


Who knows me the most

The data collectors


Two of my friends met their loves in the Zoom meetings

True love can grow wildly


Zoom is the tomb of social interactions

and the room of conversations


Your email is never private since it can be forward infinite times

Draw a plume and wing it into a computer screen


I see these 3-D pictures of Beethoven and Mendelssohn

They look as cool as the real


It is not so bad to extend any boundary by technology

Just wait for a second


We are detached only for a short time

but are distanced for a long time


Freud studies human’s psyche by playing Bitcoin

Economy is different


Lao Tzu does a thorough investigation on the internet

And finds Nothing


There is no shadow in the virtual world

But there is everything about it


My dog looks into my computer screen

And understands me well


Technology marks the boundary of virtual world

What I click controls me and my detached world

Hollow-carved world


Hollow-carved world is

A Piece of paper cut


When you receive a gift

You lose the opportunity to get the gift


Fragile and hollow

It falls from the sky


Countless purchasing online

Are you satisfied and content


Various species on the Earth choose their territories

Man had the word and named them


The twitters are the tailors

Who know my size


The freedom of choice is not in the world

The word is stuffed and faked


Desires come and desires gnaw

Fill the hollow-carved until dying with a smile


Yi Feng is a scholar, translator, poet, and Associate Professor at Northeastern University, China. Her English poems have been published in The Penn Review, Model Minority, and Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, etc.. Her Chinese poems have been published in Lotus (芙蓉) and Chinese Poetry Website. She has translated Chinese poets and American poets, including Shuguang Zhang, Susan Howe, Rae Armoutraut and Charles Bernstein, among other poets. Her translation of poems appeared in journals in China and the US, such as Poetry Monthly (诗歌月刊) in 2019 , DoubleSpeak in 2020 and Anomaly (forthcoming). She was awarded the Hunt Scholarship in 2016. She has won the Bronze Prize in an International Chinese Poetry Competition in 2017. She lives in Shenyang, China.